5 Book Recommendations for 2023
Media Sensationalism Exposed: Volcano Edition
Reviewing Holiday Cookie Recipes
In Defense of Pt 6: Why Building a Mars Colony is a Bad Idea
The Harm Behind the Trend: Microtrends
Carpe Diem: Why Dead Poet’s Society is the most important coming of age movie ever
In Defense of Pt. 5: Joining the Parker Debate Team (Why you should!)
In Defense of Pt. 4: “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City”
In Defense Of Pt. 3 : Watching the 2022 World Cup in Qatar
In Defense of Pt. 2: Writing Bad, Emo, Sappy Poetry
In Defense Of Pt. 1: Stranger Things
Ukraine & Tiktok: How Social Media Grants Freedom to Joke about the World’s Most Burgeoning Conflict
The Absolutely True Influence of Banning Books in Schools
A Rant on Queerness and Identity
February is Black History Month: Is a Month Enough?
Covid: Creator of Hypocrites
2022 is Here! - New Year’s Resolutions
3 Mug Cake Recipes for the Holidays (or anytime really)
15 “Best Books” People Have Ever Read