Hey, little me, I know it feels like the world’s crushing down,
Like you’re not enough, like you’ll always drown.
But here’s the truth you’re too scared to believe:
You’re worthy of love—just learn to breathe.
You stare at the mirror, tears burning your face,
Wishing for to be smaller, thinner, a whole different face.
But your body? It’s art, a story untold,
Not something to break just to fit in their mold.
You don’t have to shrink; you don’t need to hide,
The girl inside you deserves to take pride.
Let them point, let them judge, let them try to tear through,
They’ll never know the strength that’s in you.
When they say “too much” or “not enough,”
Laugh louder, stand taller—yeah, it’ll be tough.
And if you’re quiet, lost in your head,
That’s okay too; your thoughts deserve to be said.
The wrong loves will hurt, but you’ll learn someday,
You don’t need to chase or give yourself away.
Because someone will come who sees all of you—
Every scar, every dream—and love you true.
You’ll find your people, and they’ll feel like home,
Like warmth in your chest after years alone.
Let them love you; let yourself believe,
Not everyone leaves, not everyone deceives.
One day, you’ll look at your reflection and smile,
At the girl who’s walked every painful mile.
You’ll love your smile, your laugh, your voice,
You’ll stop hating yourself and start making a choice.
Speak loud, even when your voice shakes,
Don’t lose yourself for anyone’s sake.
And when they tell you “You can’t,” just watch, just show—
You’re so much more than they’ll ever know.
So here’s my promise: it gets better, I swear.
You’ll grow, you’ll bloom, you’ll finally care.
This life is yours—don’t let it slip away.
You’re braver, stronger, more than words could ever.
Cover photo credits: Leslie Mahmood